Thursday, February 10, 2011

Come back to me.

I want to remember, not to start to forget. It's my last year as an official "teen" queen. I have so many amazing experiences and memories that have yet to be made. I once felt like I was on top of the world. I was at the perfect school, in the best state, with the loveliest weather and the most amazing friends. When it was all taken from me at the beginning of this year, I realized that I hadn't fully appreciated how wonderful life had been. I feel like everything is kind of spiraling out of my control right now, and I need an outlet..someone to talk to, even if they aren't truly listening. I want to record the most memorable experiences that happen to me, so that I never take my life for granted again. My youth feels wasted and yet I still have this sense that it's only the beginning. I want to remember, not to start to forget.